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Hi! I’m Karine!

Welcome to my blog!

As a little girl, I always dreamed about visiting far-away places and in 1996 that dream became reality when my hubby and I moved from Belgium to sunny California! Whenever I had a chance, I went exploring; small trips turned into longer ones and soon I caught the travel bug.

Exploring different cultures, sampling local dishes and spending time in the great outdoors in search of wildlife and elusive birds became a family affair. In fact, I integrated our travels into our homeschool. Yup, I’m a retired homeschool mama.

It didn’t take long for me to find inspiration for my woodcarvings from our adventures. My carvings serve as a portal through which I can remember the places, the cultures, and the incredible nature I witnessed.

Initially, I documented our journeys to share with our family overseas but when more and more people were interested in reading about our experiences, I decided to create this blog. I hope to inspire people to find a balance between life at home and traveling to all corners of the world, whether as a couple, as a family or with friends.